The Great Barrington Affordable Housing Trust Fund has issued an open RFP for affordable housing. This will be a rolling RFP that will remain open until the end of the fiscal year (June 30, 2024) or until funds are exhausted.
Proposals received by the first of each month will be reviewed and acted upon to the greatest extent possible at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Trust, generally the third Tuesday. No specific dollar amount has been established to allow flexible responses. The Trust will accept any proposal that is consistent with our mission and charge.
For fiscal year 2024 (July 1, 2023- June 30, 2024) the Trust has around $450,000+/- available. The funding source is mixed Community Preservation Act funds and Town of Great Barrington funds and will include affordability limitations tied to the funding.
The Trust will be working on standard form for proposal responses which will be made available when complete. For now, please use your usual RFP response format. For October only we will accept proposals until October 10 due to the date that this RFP has been issued.
Please reach out to Fred Clark or Chris Rembold if you have questions.